The Tecarpuls-II is a unit for diathermy by means of RFEC (also known as TECAR). RFEC is used for tissue repair and for pain relief. Healing Energy, Capacitive and Resistive.
Tecarpuls II
Healing Energy, Capacitive and Resistive
The Tecarpuls-II is a unit for diathermy by means of RFEC (also known as TECAR).
RFEC is used for tissue repair and for pain relief. It allows you to stimulate cells
and cell metabolism by means of alternating waves, and it can generate heat,
both superficial and deep in the body.
The Tecarpuls-II generates electromagnetic energy by means of radio waves
with frequencies of 460 kHz or 540kHz. These waves have excellent tissue
penetration properties. It allows you to stimulate tissue repair very deep in the
human body. With the different available electrodes, you can guide the heat
distribution and optimize penetration depth. It allows you to accentuate the
repair of different tissues such as ligaments, muscles, tendons or bone.